Acceptance Will Set You Free

Acceptance Will Set You Free

I came across this brief article today and wanted to share it. Not only is it a bittersweet (I love things that evoke conflicting and paradoxical feelings) but it is one of the best stories and examples of the power of acceptance on our mental status and health. Acceptance is

Awe - A Path to Humility & Being Alive to the Present

Awe - A Path to Humility & Being Alive to the Present

A short note to brighten your day (weekend?). I came across this astounding video and it moved me so much that I wanted to share it with you. This video found me at a good moment - I had just finished reading the remarkable book Humbitious: The Value of Low

How To Put Your Snoring to Sleep

How To Put Your Snoring to Sleep

I snore. A lot. You may wonder how I know this since people are asleep when they snore. Three pieces of strong circumstantial evidence: 1. My snoring wakes up my wife, which compels her to repeatedly "comment" (Michael!) on my snoring and to "encourage" (shoulder grab

Who Are You, Really? Part 2: Your Biogenic Self.

Who Are You, Really? Part 2: Your Biogenic Self.

Following my 3 month sojourn (chronicled in Part 1) to Hazelden Treatment Center in 2012, and having retired from my clinical and academic practice at the University of Minnesota, I became a househusband. New job, new identity, new world. I took over the entire enterprise. I cooked all meals and


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