The Resilient Surgeon: Commander Rich Diviney

The Resilient Surgeon: Commander Rich Diviney

In this episode, Dr. Michael Maddaus interviews Commander Rich Diviney, a retired US Navy Seal officer and author of The Attributes, 25 Hidden Drivers of Optimal Performance. Drawing from his 20-plus years of experience in the Navy, Diviney came to understand that even individuals at the highest levels of physical and mental capabilities can sometimes fail to perform in specific situations. He determined that an individual’s ability to succeed is determined by attributes, not skills. Attributes—like patience, resilience, situational awareness, and adaptability—inform behaviors, and each person has a unique combination of attributes that dictates how they behave, react, and perform. Diviney shares how his time with the Navy Seals helped him develop his strongest attributes and how others can come to understand their own. Through careful examination of these attributes, people can build better relationships and teams and ultimately unlock their potential.


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